Black Lavender Latte

This boozy spin on a coffee classic will leave you warm and ready for more. Lavender syrup is the key, with a little help from cognac and the most amazing coffee liqueur: Mr. Black. If you try this with something like Kahlua or Tia Maria, I think you’ll be sorely disappointed. I’d opt for strong black coffee or espresso instead, and let the cognac do all the warming!

Plain coffee or espresso is also a great substitution if you want a lower ABV cocktail

Black Lavender Latte Recipe:

  • 2oz Coffee Liqueur

  • 1oz Cognac

  • 1oz Lavender Syrup

  • 3oz Steamed Milk

  • 2 dashes Lavender bitters (optional- this will really punch up the lavender flavor)

Add all ingredients to a shaker (no ice, this is a hot cocktail!), shake for 10-15 seconds, pour into a tempered heat safe glass or mug. Enjoy!


To steam milk without a fancy machine: Add milk to a mason jar and set in the microwave for 30sec to a min (depending on how powerful your microwave is). Remove from microwave, add lid and shake vigorously for at least 10-15 seconds. Voila, frothy hot milk.


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Cheers, friends!


Mrs. Black


Bacon Washed Bourbon